Title I Information
Farias-Spitzer Elementary School
Title 1 Parent And Family Engagement Policy
Research shows that students are more successful when their parents/guardians are actively involved in their education. The Title 1 Parent Involvement Guidelines, in cooperation with the School-Home Compact, were developed to guide the expectations of each individual having direct impact on our students’ education. Both items were created with the assistance and approval of parents, community members, and school administrators.
Title 1 is a federally funded program designed to provide a high-quality education that will enable all children to meet the state’s student performance standard. Title 1 is a part of the “No Child Left Behind Act” passed by Congress in 2002. Title 1 programs can provide supplemental instruction in reading, math, science and social studies. These programs use effective methods and instructional strategies that are grounded in scientifically based research. A school is selected as a Title 1 school on the basis of the number of students within its boundaries who are eligible for free or reduced-priced meals. Students are selected to participate based on academic need.
Farias-Spitzer Elementary School conducts a Fall Annual Title 1 Meeting, held within the first quarter of the school year, which will provide information on Title 1 laws, the requirements, and the rights of and benefits to parents and students. Parent/Teacher Conferences provide an opportunity for parents/guardians to make suggestions and participate in decisions relating to the education of their children. A Spring Annual Title 1 Meeting will be held in the last quarter of the school year, allowing parents, community members, and school administrators to update the current School-Home Compact and the Title 1 Parent Involvement Guidelines, as needed.
FSES will make available information and opportunities that will help guide parents when working to improve their children’s academics. The Title 1 Specialist will be provided information on how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents as equal partners, implement and coordinate parent programs, and build ties between the parents and the school.
Parent Involvement is very important to Comal ISD. Farias-Spitzer Elementary School has a Title 1 Specialist who is available to assist families in a variety of ways. The Title 1 Specialist is the liaison between school, families, and the community. The Title 1 Specialist provides opportunities for parents/family members to be actively involved in their students’ academic life. Information related to school and parent/family programs, meetings, and other activities is sent to the parents/families via the student and various forms of media, to include email and other forms of social media.
Other Family Engagement Opportunities may include the following:
Parent Involvement/Volunteering Opportunities:
At Farias-Spitzer Elementary, we value our parents as educational partners and are always seeking new ways to involve them in their child’s education.
Farias-Spitzer Elementary
Title 1
Student - Family - School Compact
Family engagement is the participation of families in every facet of the education and development of children from birth to adulthood, recognizing that parents are the primary influence in their children’s lives. Family engagement takes many forms, including parents’ shared responsibilities in decisions about their children’s education, health, and well-being, as well as parents’ participation in organizations that reflect the community’s collaborative aspirations for all children. The Faculty and Staff of FSES invite you to participate in planning, reviewing, and improving programs through multiple committees and surveys. Opportunities include but are not limited to: Site Based Decision Making, Campus Improvement Plan, joining and participating in PTA, SHAC (School Health Advisory Committee), attending parent meetings and educational event nights and attending and participating in Parent/Teacher Conferences which are held annually in October but may be requested as needed. There are many district level committees that families may choose to be involved at the district level as well. Meaningful communication is two-way and important for academic success. FSES shares information in a variety of ways. Information about the school and activities can also be found on the school website, principal’s bulldog bulletins, and social media. Weekly emails and any weather/emergency updates are sent using the contact information (phone number and email) you provided during registration. We welcome your input, responses, and concerns. FSES will host annual meetings during the Fall semester to inform families of the school’s participation and benefits of Title 1 and the expectations and goals for family engagement and academics for the 2024-25 school year. The Home/School Compact will be distributed during Fall Parent/Teacher Conferences. Information about your student’s progress and attendance can be found in Skyward. Additional information and expectations will be provided during grade level and academic information nights, progress reports, report cards and parent/teacher conferences. Families will also be provided with information about assessments used to measure student progress, results of assessments and school profile/report card. The faculty and staff believe that we should all be life-long learners. FSES is committed to on-going staff development to keep current in research-based methods of curriculum and instruction. They are also provided information about the value of family engagement and how to work with parents as equal partners. FSES coordinates with our local community through Communities in Schools, NBFD, RSVP, local universities, and other organizations by sharing resources to improve student achievement, promote parental engagement, promote family literacy, and provide opportunities for parents to utilize community resources. The policy and compact can be located on the school website.